Maui High School Foundation Grants Application Process
- Create a NEW ACCOUNT on the Maui High School Foundation's Online Portal. New Users: Please click on "Create New Account" to complete the registration process and create your logon credentials.
- ONLINE APPLICATIONS will be open to apply on Friday, September 27th.
- Applications are reviewed twice per school year. Applications for FALL GRANTS will be available from September 27th to October 16th, the Foundation expects to announce and grant funding in early November. For SPRING GRANTS applications will be available from January 1st to January 15th, the Foundation expects to announce and grant funding in February. Although the Foundation will make every effort to review grants and award funds in a timely manner, awards are not by any means guaranteed to be distributed by any particular date.
- Before submitting your ONLINE APPLICATION please add your Academy Principal as a collaborator. The collaborator feature allows applicants to work together on a single request. With this feature, applicants can also add a new user to their organization in a Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) site without contacting an administrator. Your Academy Principal must review and approve application before you submit to the grants committee for review.
- All applicants will be notified via email on the approval or denial of their request. The MHSF shall disburse funds within 7-10 business days of approval. Awarded funds will be disbursed in full to Maui High School for the designated purpose(s) and/or to the local school account of the awarded program. Unused funds shall be returned to MHSF within one year from disbursement of award unless otherwise directed by MHSF.
- Upon use of awarded funds entities must submit a Program Grant - Final Report form within 60 days of completion of the grant-funded project or activity you will receive a follow-up form to complete your FINAL REPORT. Your FINAL REPORT will include: Final Budget, Statement of outcomes achieved and any photographs or video of the grant-funded project or activity.